
You earned it. Now keep it!

In 2024, we helped 45 taxpayers save
in fees and receive more than
in refunds.
Schedule below to complete your taxes, Saturdays February 15th to April 12th.

RappTaxFree Welcomes You
Offering FREE tax services and filings for Rappahannock County.
For individuals, families, seniors, and more.
Register below or give us a call to get started!
About RappTaxFree
For many families, their tax refund is the largest single cash amount they receive in a year. Refunds can amount to thousands of dollars, depending on the family’s income, number of children and other factors. Unfortunately, many families lose dollars because they pay $150 to $200 on average to have someone prepare simple returns or they are drawn into paying for interest-bearing advances or loans or other fees.
The mission of RappTaxFree is to help families keep ALL their tax refund and to ensure that they get every credit or refund for which they are eligible. Use that money to pay for necessities reduce debt or save for the future.
RappTaxFree volunteers are trained and certified by the IRS and held to strict confidentiality. Volunteer tax preparation has higher accuracy rates than paid preparers.
Who can benefit?
Anyone with basic tax returns benefits from free filing. Those with the most to gain from free filing include:
Workers with income below the required filing figure ($14,800 this year).
Families with one or more children, but you benefit even if you do not have children.
Recipients of public benefits who also have earned income.
Recipients of Social Security who also have earned income.

Who is required to file a tax return?
Required filing depends on age, family size, and the amount and sources of income. The range is from $13,850 (single, under age 65) to $30,700 (married, filing jointly).
Not required to file or unsure?
File anyway. You may receive a refund.
You do not have to be a Rappahannock resident to use RappTaxFree. Workers with ITINs are also eligible.
When will the free filing take place?
We are scheduling appointments on Saturdays from Feb. 15th to April 12th. Please register by clicking on the button above and we will contact you to set up a specific day and time. We look forward to working with you.
Where will the free filing take place?
12018 Lee Hwy, Sperryville, VA 22740
RappCE is the host site for free filing.
What do I need to bring?
Please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for a full list of what you should bring to your appointment.
What if I have other questions?
Click here to read more Frequently Asked Questions.
Call us at 540-227-0493
Email us at rapptaxfree@gmail.com.